Brewed for days in the sun
Heads of Noosa Lager 3.5 is a refreshing mid-strength beer brewed with a blend of specialty malts and fermented cold for a clean and crisp mouthfeel. This beer is filtered, making it easy on the eye and the palate. Full-flavoured, but with 3.5% ABV you can stay for one more…
Keen? Yeah, we are too! Get down to Fitzy's during April and try it at a great price while you can.
On tap now in
Tapestry Bar up the front.
Fitzy's Trading Hours
12-2pm | from 6pm, 7 days
All Day Casual Dining: Friday-Sunday, Bar Menu from 12pm
Bars: 12pm-late, 7 days
Gaming: 10am-late (midnight trading guaranteed), 7 days
Functions:, 7 days